Our Inspiration
Our family is probably a whole lot like yours. We want our kids to feel safe, secure, and happy. We want our kids to pursue their interests, we want our kids to learn, and we want our kids to grow up and be responsible, contributing adults that make the world a better place.
So often, the possibilities can seem limitless, based entirely on the circumstances into which you’re born. But for so many families, and so many individuals, in America and across the world, where you’re born and the circumstances of that birth dictate the opportunities you have.
We’re changing all of that.
When our family went from four to six life changed. Our youngest daughter Kennedy, born a mere 7seconds before her twin brother Jacob, was born with a little something extra: a third 21st Chromosome.
Kennedy has Down syndrome. She plays, and so does Jacob. She learns, and so does Jacob. She makes friends, and so does Jacob.
Yet for Kennedy, and for others with Down syndrome or intellectual and developmental disabilities, she already has fewer opportunities than Jacob. By the time she’s an adult, while doors will open for Jacob, they will too often close for Kennedy.
We’re changing the systems and structures that provide opportunity to many, but not to all, to extend opportunity for everyone. We’re changing the systems so that Kennedy and Jacob can both benefit from a quality education, live independently as adults, pursue meaningful work, and contribute to their chosen communities and neighborhoods. Everyone deserves an opportunity.

Vision Statement
The KennedyStrong Foundation sees an inclusive world where individuals with Down syndrome and intellectual/developmental disabilities are contributing members within their communities and living out their dreams of independence.